Performance Platform

Visualisations from DFID Performance Platform

Visualisations from MESH Performance Platform

The MESH Performance Platform is a portal for all the data from partners or from MESH independent monitoring activities.

This includes the automated extraction of micro-level data from partners, the ability to generate graphs and other data visualisations, and links with targets related to client programmes as a whole.


Monitoring is based on near ‘real time’ and frequent data and information that could signal potential operational problems and ongoing successes.

Example of a results analysis dashboard.

Example of a results analysis dashboard.

Monitoring assumes that programme design, targeting, and how these link to expected outcomes/impact are relatively sound. (The investment decision has already been made.)

Understanding ’operational moments’ are at the heart of performance. (performance v. verification)

Responding, adapting, and changing to these operational moments is the best way to increase performance. (Addressing ‘problems’ ensures optimal output-level performance.)


Evaluations include a breadth of research approaches that get at the “why” and what to do differently.

Comparing trends in nutrition rates over time.

Comparing trends in nutrition rates over time.

MESH evaluations focus on operational issues and potential solutions. The subjects emerge from monitoring data and the MESH learning and change team. MESH evaluations include an array of methodologies, common frameworks, standards (OECD DAC, ALNAP, UNEG, DFID, World Bank), diverse statistical approaches (no RCTs!), etc.

Learning & Change

MESH focuses on learning and change: increased use of evidence to verify results and drive performance.

MESH uses data as a basis for action based learning workshops. These focus on what can be done to respond to issues and to adapt activities for improved performance.

Includes using technology to organise data and provide a first level of analysis.