MESH Partners


Transtec is the consortium lead.

Transtec is a Belgian ISO certified international development company active for more than 30 years in the implementation of projects for the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank, the African Development Bank, Bilateral Agencies including the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC), the French Agency for Development (AFD), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the Swedish International Development Cooperation (SIDA), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the aid and development agency of the government of Luxembourg (Luxdev) and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCA). The Company has Regional Representative Offices in Beirut (Lebanon), Nairobi (Kenya/Somalia), Yangon (Myanmar), Indonesia and Paris (France). 




IMC Worldwide leads learning and change.

IMC Worldwide has over 50 years’ experience designing and implementing programmes for DFID, including large and complex Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) programmes in FCAS. IMC is currently leading the Evidence and Learning Facility South Sudan (ELFSS) for the Humanitarian and Resilience Programme in South Sudan (HARISS) and is carrying out the Monitoring and Evaluation Services for BRACE II, both for DFID in South Sudan, working alongside Forcier, and have a strong track record in the region. IMC has also conducted the Rapid Performance Review of the DFID MESH Programme (RPR MESH). 

IMC have significant experience in designing and implementing culturally and politically appropriate MEL systems and methodologies, data collection and database systems in humanitarian response settings and FCAS, including in Syria, South Sudan, Sudan, Myanmar, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, DRC, Sierra Leone, and Congo. IMC’s expertise is wide-ranging across technical areas, and we have in-house MEL staff to technically backstop any project. IMC has been a successful lead supplier on DFID’s Global Evaluation Framework Agreement (GEFA), now in its second phase, for over five years now, delivering around 10 evaluations through this framework. 


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Consilient leads on field monitoring and research.

Consilient employs a distinctive approach to deliver high-quality research in complex and challenging environments. Through a combination of full-time in-country staff, rigorous research methods, unmatched field level implementation capabilities, and real time quality control procedures, Consilient produces insightful, locally responsive research and analysis.

Consilient has worked in Somalia since 2012, with full-time offices in Hargeisa, Somaliland since 2013. With over 70 full-time staff in Somalia, Consilient combines international expertise with national personnel from all regions of the country. This unique blend allows Consilient to partake in full project lifecycle support, including design, implementation, and final analysis in-house without the need for in-country subcontractors. This entails that key personnel positions, including project managers, analysts, fieldwork coordinators, and team leaders are core staff of the firm, with experience spanning dozens of research initiatives.



First International Security (FISEC) leads on security and safety.

FISEC supports the operationalisation of safety management plans for work across Somalia and within the vagaries of operating conditions.

FISEC is fully licensed with the Federal Government of Somalia and enjoys close ties with the Ministry of National Security, Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior, while also maintaining close relationships with the UN and AMISOM. These relationships enable FISEC to operate legally and seamlessly throughout all areas of Mogadishu and Somalia, including within MIA, throughout the city, and across the regions. 

FISEC is fully cognisant of the security environment in Somalia and demonstrates the mechanism towards information gathering and continuous assessment of the security situation in order to allow key experts and all other personnel to operate safely and efficiently.




Stats4SD provides quality assurance, methodological support, and leads on the programme impact evaluation.

Statistics for Sustainable Development (Stats4SD) is a non-profit social enterprise that promotes the better use of statistical methods for decision making to benefit society and the environment. This includes:

1. The use of statistical tools in the real world. 

2. Data engineering, analysis, and associated CIT. 

3. Effective and efficient use of research methods. 

4. Generation of information products derived from data. 

We work with partners throughout the world, supporting sustainable development processes. Much of our work takes place in developing countries. Our areas of work are not determined by geography but by the contribution we can make. We charge for these services to cover our costs but we do not make a profit.



Ona Data leads all of the leading-edge technology.

Ona is a technology solutions company that focuses on global health and humanitarian challenges with offices in Nairobi (Kenya) and Burlington (Vermont USA). Ona builds technology that affords new opportunities for governments and development organizations to be increasingly collaborative, data-driven, and accountable to the people they serve. Ona works for the past 10 years in countries like Somalia, Kenya, Senegal, Mali, Ghana, Nigeria, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Zambia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nepal and India. 

Ona’s team has deep health technical experience and has developed numerous national level digital platforms including mTrac a facility SMS based reporting tool scaled nationally in Uganda, and ZEIR - the Zambian Electronic Immunization Registry adopted by the MoH in Zambia. Ona is the technical lead for the OpenSRP platform, a mobile health platform for frontline health workers being adopted now in several countries and co-developed with the WHO. Ona’s team has helped supported WHO in the Ebola Response and has deep experience designing and implementing digital health solutions in many countries. This have given us a deep familiarity with platforms like DHIS2 and OpenMRS and keen understanding on how data is used at the facility level and community levels for monitoring and planning service delivery. 



Somali Disaster Resilience Institute (SDRI) leads on research and field monitoring.

SDRI is a Somalia-focused, independent think tank, multidisciplinary research, learning and capacity development institute specializing in addressing complex socio-economic, disaster and climate resilience, public and population health and humanitarian crisis in Somalia.

SDRI has a vast specific experience in conducting Third Party Monitoring in Somalia. SDRI has played a punctual but important role in MESH by accessing sites in Somalia that no other company or organisation had access to. In the last one and half year, SDRI and MESH were undertaking quarterly monitoring and verification for UNICEF’s overall work in Somalia - including most likely the financing received by UNICEF through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria across Somalia. SDRI and MESH have covered over 160 sites spread across South Central, Puntland and Somaliland.

SDRI has 16 full time staff, 25 part time research and faculty staff and over 150 trained Somali enumerators able to access all the areas in South Central, Somaliland and Puntland.
